[Scratch++] .mp4 to .sb3 packager
Select video file:
<- Choose a video
<- Framerate (scratch runs at 30 fps, TurboWarp is required for greater speeds. Additionally, for large videos project files will be giant with large framerates.)
<- Audio block size (s); decrease if using stereo
<- Stereo Audio
disguised webp (mid quality, smallest size) [RECOMMENDED]
jpeg (low quality, small size)
png (high quality, largest size)
gif (low quality, large size)
<- Image Format
<- JSAB Mode
<- Tiling (Inspiration from
this project
on Scratch)
<- Processed Image Quality (95%)
<- Rendered Background Color
<- Aspect Ratio Maintainence
7680x5760 (x16)
5760x4320 (x12)
3840x2880 (x8)
2880x2160 (x6)
1920x1440 (x4)
1440x1080 (x3)
960x720 (x2)
240x180 (÷2)
120x90 (÷4)
60x45 (÷8)
<- Resolution
<- (optional) character controller sprite
Canvas not supported by terrible browser choice.
Status: Processed frames: Saved sheets: Saved assets: Largest asset: 0MB/10MB Total project size: 0MB/47.5MB (accounting for largest possible json)
Package to .sb3