Welcome to Scratch++!

Scratch++ is a Scratch mod that adds new features like fencing controls and the power operator. However, unlike other scratch mods, it also adds the ability to compile the project for use in normal Scratch!

For example, try using a disable fencing block (or any modded block). Then, convert your project to a regular Scratch project by clicking on File > Compile to Scratch. It should be able to load and work in normal Scratch! Just make sure your remember that all the custom blocks have Scratch definitions, so things will likely run slower in normal Scratch. Credits:

Warning: Due to the nature of how Scratch++ works, large projects mey not be uploadable to Scratch. To counteract this issue, try reducing the number of sprites that use large custom blocks. (Eg: using physics blocks in every sprite makes the compiler inject the physics engine in to every sprite.)

Scratch++ Settings

Changing these settings requires a reload.

[NEW] Blockly Dev Tools Allows in-editor modification of block XML, as well as collapsing blocks and force-delete. (By ZXMushroom63)
Clean Up+ Enhances Scratch's clean up function. (By griffpatch)
Cat Blocks Brings back the 2020 cat blocks. (By TheColaber, GarboMuffin)
Blocks2Image Adds export to image options to the right-click menu. (By summerscar)
Numberpad Force shows the number pad on number inputs. (By GarboMuffin)
Cherry Picking Grab single blocks by dragging with the Ctrl key. (By lisa_wolfgang, GarboMuffin)
Locator Locate blocks by their id, opcode, proccode, or referenced variable ids using a search bar in the top-left. (By griffpatch, ZXMushroom63)
Opacity Slider Adds an opacity slider to the costume editor color picker. (By itta611)

Scratch++ Generators

.mp4 to .sb3 packager (and all other video file formats)

Use with caution! Uploading large generated projects to Scratch can trigger automated bans (usually the project will instantly fail to save, if that happens, do NOT press "Try Again")
These are mostly tech demos, I recommend testing them on TurboWarp or the offline Scratch editor, in order to not upload the large assets to Scratch's servers.